I didnt read it, but I wanted to say hi, now I will read it!
hi, i am a friend of dedpoet, i think he may have posted about me occasionally, and he has kindly allowed me to join the forum from his pc as i do not have internet access at home.
i have known trev (dedpoet) since he first joined the same congregation as me 14 years ago, and we have always been friends.
i was very sad when he left us some years ago, but have maintained contact with him, something that has got me in trouble with the elders just lately now he is disassociated.
I didnt read it, but I wanted to say hi, now I will read it!
I think he's interesting. People would discard of his theories simply because he goes against the norm. He's not unique... Michael Tsarion, David Icke amongst others follow suite. Pretty interesting.
i was busy reading posts on the board just now when i noticed a strange noise.
i went into the kitchebn and the electric kettle i had put on to boil some 15 minutes earlier was still boiling and the whole kitchen filled with steam to the point some of the cupboards had started to blister and nothing was visible - it was like being on the yorkshire moors.
i can find no reason for this!
LOL... yeah, I swear that it is the woman of the house...even when I lose things on the park!
before i left the org, i decided to start doing my personal bible reading in a translation other than the nwt.
my mother seemed bothered by this, wanting to know why i didn't want to use the nwt, describing why she greatly preferred it to other translations, and generally adopting a worried look whenever i mentioned the topic.
i talked to her this morning and she turned the conversation into a q&a session on a bible i was looking for in a local bookstore.
I was still under the impression that the NWT was the best Bible to use even after coming to the conclusion that the WT is not the Faithful Slave. I wouldn't touch anything else. Im ok now though...I see every Bible is being full of shit.
hey everyone i know its been a while since i posted but today i felt the need.just wanted to update you all on my position which is still brainwashed!i just dont know what to do i gain my strength to conquer this disease,(thats what i call being born in the org) from others like freedom lover who have come out of this religon free and clear i know its not easy but i know it can be done.i dont know why i just cant get over it and move on already,but theres thats piece of me that says,but what if?then im back, screwed and tatooed with jdub on my forehead,thinking that jehovah is upset and dissapointed with me and satan has me in his grasp.im stil sooo confused even with all the evidence pointing to they are full of crap!what if they arent?i just want to know the truth even if i dont choose to follow it,i want to know if jehovah is watching me torment myself every day,going back and forth and i cant take it anymore.then i think what if there is no jehovah?who the hell am i praying to with my daughter at night?
(the air mabe)you see my daughter still believes even though she is ready to celebrate halloween this year and yes we bought her a costume,cinderella!my mother comes and takes her every now and then only if i promise to go to some meetings and i did last weekend i attended the sunday meeting for once in a about 6 months!felt strange to be there but once again going to a different cong i got love bombed.btw i feel guilty and scared about having anything to do with halloween this year.yup still dealing with the guilt,fear,agony,of knowing and believing in the dubs,for so long now trying desperately to get out without feeling the way i do.i just dont know what to do anymore and its a shame because the dubs have sucked the life out of me(guess i didnt check my doubts soon enough).if i dont get off the fence soon im going to go nuts.i like believeing that satan doesnt even exist and that there is no heavenly org.gives me peace of mind that i can just live my life,if theres a god,fine,is it jehovah?thats where the conflict arises and i cant just go on with my life thinking jehovah has lost me to the other side!
!im not a lost cause yet guys.i need new light!
"STILL BRAINWASHED! We ALL could use a good brain WASHING now and then."
He's just quoting Steve Hassan from his Moonie days. When he was a Moonie, he 'knew' that he hadn't been brainwashed. ;)
the wts always propagates the idea that adam was created around 4000 bc and thus the world is 6000 years old and based on this they had set up the 1975 armageddon fiasco where many dubs got ripped off.
what they never say is that this dating is based on the hebrew masoretic text, there is however an older version of the old testament "the greek translation of the seventy" which for all we know may be the correct one and which makes mankind 7500 years old with adam created around 5500 bc.
not only this agrees better agrees with archaeological discoveries but it was also used by luke to write jesus's genealogy in his gospel.
You mean it was written by the writer of Luke in his gospel.
i am so sick of witnesses reserving catchphrases for themselves.. talking to my wifes mother today she kept referring to "the friends".
"the friends came over today, we went to lunch with the friends".
well if they are "the friends", then what the hell are everyone else?
The most annoying are words like 'the truth' and 'the service'. What the hell is that? 'The service'... they call it service to Jehovah, but he never actually said it, did he?
i was busy reading posts on the board just now when i noticed a strange noise.
i went into the kitchebn and the electric kettle i had put on to boil some 15 minutes earlier was still boiling and the whole kitchen filled with steam to the point some of the cupboards had started to blister and nothing was visible - it was like being on the yorkshire moors.
i can find no reason for this!
I dont know if it is related, but the most infuriating of all is when you put something down, turn away for a second, turn back and then its gone. Like it has just disapeared. Bloody annoying. When I throw a ball for my dog, sometimes I look for ages before finally spotting it. Wherever I go, an invisible hole in the floor eats up my stuff. HONESTLY!
i have studied history, the holocaust, ww2, etc.
as a witness i found it very interesting as i wanted to see what my fellow brothers and sisters went through.
the thing is, there was not that many of them.
Both sides are equally as guilty of stealing sympathy over WWII. For Christ sake, get over it.
hey everyone,.
as you can see im new here, and like every new person im trying to sort alll this jw stuff out.
i have no idea where to start, but here goes.. i first started questioning all this when 'a brother' in the congregation sexually abused one of my best friends family members, he did not get disfellowshipped, but he got publicly reproved?!
Well Sam,
I'm sorry to say that I dont believe in the Bible. When I first knew that something wasn't right within the Organization, I wanted to grab something else. I done so much study, going around in circles examining the Bible, various other religious beliefs. Knowing that the Society were liars and have conned me all along really hit me hard, and it got me thinking 'if God doesnt use the WT, then who does he use?'
So thats when I started to study. All this of course whilst still going to the Kingdom Hall. I knew that this wasn't Gods Organization from my days at Bethel, which are still hard to talk about freely. I was living two lives...one, at the Kingdom Hall with my NWT, but the other life was with 'Jesus' and the proper translations. Hell, the WT had lied to me, why should I believe the NWT? Any other translation would do...I checked out so many testimonies, all from ex Witnesses. The underlining current in all of those was that people had left and become 'true followers of Christ'
That was what I wanted...to please God. Was God Christ? Wow, I really might be going to heaven after all... all these things ran through my head for a while. But then this spiritual state declined. Now the WT will tell you that the decline was due to not going to the meetings... which isnt true, because I was still going. I started to decline because of the study that I was doing. The things that blew my mind... I never even realised about the Bible. After all my time growing up and reading the Bible, I never realised that two of the gospel writers never claimed to have seen or known Jesus. I never knew that Paul of Acts was clearly not the same as Paul who wrote the letters. I couldn't bring myself to believe in the fairytales anymore Sam... and when you take a step back, and look! The Bible is full of them. I could not understand why for hundreds of years prior to Christ there were myths of people/Godmen who were exactly like Christ! You know, born on 25 Dec, turn water into wine, die on a cross, raised on third day, 12 disciples, etc. How can this be? The answer is that the early Christians were Pagans who adopted their own version of mystery Greek/Egyptian Gods to suit their needs. It had gone on for years prior to Christ.
I could not understand the story of the three wise men. Following a star would send you in circles. Herod the Great did not kill any babies. Nazareth did not exist in the 1st century AD – the area was a burial ground of rock-cut tombs. The original Mary was not a virgin. The idea was borrowed from pagan goddesses.... so many things to bring out, but not enough time to cover it all in one post.
Do you really believe that we are in this mess because a snake spoke to a woman in a garden? Do you really believe that God hated Cain because he was burning fruit yet Able was burning animals? Where did Cain's wife come from? Why do the two gospel writers place Jesus birth at different times?